Tell the U.S. NPS to Stop Deadly Plan Against Puerto Rico Cats

Puerto Rico Cats

ON OCTOBER 1, The United States National Park Service (NPS) will begin its cruel plan to round up community cats living peacefully on Puerto Rico's San Juan National Historic Site and Paseo Del Morro National Recreational Trail.

Cats WILL be killed if the plan is not stopped. The NPS is already soliciting applications from organizations to remove the cats.

Alley Cat Allies filed a historic lawsuit in March against the NPS and we won't back down with these cats' lives on the line. But we need you with us.

SIGN THE PETITION: Tell the NPS to immediately halt its deadly plan against the Paseo del Morro cats. Then, share the petition far and wide.

Learn more and take more action at

Petition to Save the Paseo del Morro Cats

We, the undersigned, call on the United States National Park Service (NPS) to immediately and permanently halt its cruel plan to eradicate community cats living on the Paseo del Morro and San Juan National Historic Site in Puerto Rico.

This deadly scheme is strongly contrary to the will of Puerto Ricans and people around the world, who recognize that these cats deserve to live in peace in their outdoor homes.

The NPS should instead support the only humane and effective approach to community cats: Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR)